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Evaluating coral reef restoration in marine protected areas using habitat structural complexity and coral communities
作者:  点击数: 时间:2024/11/29 09:05:15


Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are widely used to protect at-risk ecosystems. This study employed a combined method to quantify the protection performance on coral reef habitats, integrating coral morphology and topographic relief in the rugosity index. In the Weizhou Island reef in the northern South China Sea, after six years of protection, the no-take areas (NTAs) hosted a greater live coral cover (11.7%) compared to the no-protection areas (NPAs, 6.9%), but had a lower rugosity (1.17) than both the NPAs and the habitat protection areas, suggesting that while MPAs enhance coral cover, their benefits for habitat structural complexity may remain insignificant in the short term (six years). In the NTAs, the contribution of live corals to habitat complexity (28.3%) was lower than that of rubbles (34.4%). Moreover, slow-growing massive corals (e.g., Porites lutea), which usually have low rugosity, contributed a larger portion (up to 20%) to habitat complexity. In contrast, fast-growing, structural complex arborescent corals (e.g., Acropora pruinosa) had a limited contribution (2.3%). Foliose corals, which dominated the coral community also have lower rugosity (1.2 ~ 1.3) compared to massive and arborescent corals, presumably due to phenotypic plasticity in response to specific environmental conditions. This study suggests that prioritizing coral species composition, especially corals with high rugosity, is important for effective reef framework reconstruction.

上一条:High- and low-temperature stress responses of Porites lutea from the relatively high-latitude region of the South China Sea 下一条:Dynamic impact of different human activities on the distribution of organic ultraviolet absorbers in coastal aquatic environments: A case study in Beibu Gulf, South China Sea


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